Web Scraping in Golang with Colly

17 November 2021 | 10 min read

Web scraping is an essential tool that every developer uses at some point in their career. Hence, it is essential for developers to understand what a web scraper is, as well as how to build one. Wikipedia defines web scraping as follows:

Web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction is data scraping used for extracting data from websites. The web scraping software may directly access the World Wide Web using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol or a web browser. While web scraping can be done manually by a software user, the term typically refers to automated processes implemented using a bot or web crawler. It is a form of copying in which specific data is gathered and copied from the web, typically into a central local database or spreadsheet, for later retrieval or analysis.

In other words, web scraping is a process for extracting data from websites and is used in many cases, ranging from data analysis to lead generation. The task can be completed manually or can be automated through a script or software.

There are a variety of use cases for web scraping. Take a look at just a few:

  • Gathering data: The most useful application or use of web scraping is data gathering. Data is compelling, and analyzing data in the right way can put one company ahead of another. Web scraping is an essential tool for data gathering—writing a simple script can make data gathering much more accessible and faster than doing manual jobs. Furthermore, the data can also be inputted into a spreadsheet to be better visualized and analyzed.

  • Performing market research and lead generation: Doing market research and generating leads are crucial web scraping tasks. Emails, phone numbers, and other important information from various websites can be scraped and later used for these important tasks.

  • Building price comparison tools: You might have noticed browser extensions that alert you of a price change for products on e-commerce platforms. Such tools are also built using web scrapers.

In this article, you will learn how to create a simple web scraper using Go.

Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created the Go programming language at Google, and it has been in the market since 2009. Go, also known as Golang, has many brilliant features. Getting started with Go is fast and straightforward. As a result, this comparatively newer language is gaining a lot of attraction in the developer world.

Implementing Web Scraping with Go

The support for concurrency has made Go a fast, powerful language, and because the language is easy to get started with, you can build your web scraper with only a few lines of code. For creating web scrapers with Go, two libraries are very popular:

  1. goquery
  2. Colly

In this article, you’ll be using Colly to implement the scraper. At first, you’ll be learning the very basics of building a scraper, and you’ll implement a URL scraper from a Wikipedia page. Once you know the basic building blocks of web scraping with Colly, you’ll level up the skill and implement a more advanced scraper.


Before moving forward in this article, be sure that the following tools and libraries are installed on your computer. You’ll need the following:

  • Basic understanding of Go
  • Go (preferably the latest version—1.17.2, as of writing this article)
  • IDE or text editor of your choice (Visual Studio Code preferred)
  • Go extension for the IDE (if available)

Understanding Colly and the Collector Component

The Colly package is used for building web crawlers and scrapers. It is based on Go’s Net/HTTP and goquery package. The goquery package gives a jQuery-like syntax in Go to target HTML elements. This package alone is also used to build scrapers.

The main component of Colly is the Collector. According to the docs, the Collector component manages the network communications, and it is also responsible for the callbacks attached to it when a Collector job is running. This component is configurable, and you can modify the UserAgent string or add Authentication headers, restricting or allowing URLs with the help of this component.

Understanding Colly Callbacks

Callbacks can also be added to the Collector component. The Colly library has callbacks, such as OnHTML and OnRequest. You can refer to the docs to learn about all the callbacks. These callbacks run at different points in the life cycle of the Collector. For example, the OnRequest callback is run just before the Collector makes an HTTP request.

The OnHTML method is the most common callback used in building web scrapers. It allows registering a callback for the Collector when it reaches a specific HTML tag on the web page.

Initializing Project Directory and Installing Colly

Before starting to write code, you have to initialize the project directory. Open the IDE of your choice and open a folder where you will save all your project files. Now, open a terminal window, and locate your directory. After, type the following command in the terminal:

go mod init github.com/Username/Project-Name

In the above command, change [github.com](http://github.com) to the domain where you store your files, such as Bitbucket or Gitlab. Also, change Username to your username and Project-Name with whatever project name you would like to give it.

Once you type in the command and press enter, you’ll find that a new file is created with the name of go.mod. This file holds the information about the direct and indirect dependencies that the project needs. The next step is to install the Colly dependency. To install the dependency, type the following command in the terminal:

go get -u github.com/go-colly/colly/...

This will download the Colly library and will generate a new file called go.sum. You can now find the dependency in the go.mod file. The go.sum file lists the checksum of the direct and indirect dependencies, along with the version. You can read more about the go.sum and go.mod files here.

Building a Basic Scraper

Now that you have set up the project directory with the necessary dependency, you can move forward with writing some codes. The basic scraper aims to scrape all the links from a specific Wikipedia page and print them on the terminal. This scraper is built to make you comfortable with the building blocks of the Colly library.

Create a new file in the folder with an extension of .go—for example, main.go. All the logic will go into this file. Start by writing package main. This line tells the compiler that the package should compile as an executable program instead of a shared library.

package main

The next step is to start writing the main function. If you are using Visual Studio Code, it will do the importing of the necessary packages automatically. Otherwise, in the case of other IDEs, you may have to do it manually. The Collector of Colly is initialized with the following line of code:

func main() {
    c := colly.NewCollector(

Here, the NewCollector is initialized, and as an option, en.wikipedia.org is passed as an allowed domain. The same Collector can also be initialized without passing any option to it. Now, if you save the file, Colly will be automatically imported to your main.go file; if not, add the following lines after the package main line:

import (


The above lines import two packages in the main.go file. The first package is the fmt package and the second one is the Colly library.

Now, open this URL in your browser. This is the Wikipedia page on web scraping. The web scraper is going to scrape all the links from this page. Understanding the browser developer tools well is an invaluable skill in web scraping. Open the browser inspect tools by right-clicking on the page and selecting Inspect. This will open the page inspector. You’ll be able to see the whole HTML, CSS, network calls, and other important information from here. For this example specifically, find the mw-parser-output div:

Wikipedia in Dev Tools

This div element contains the body of the page. Targeting the links inside this div will provide all the links used inside the article.

Next, you will use the OnHTML method. Here is the remaining code for the scraper:

// Find and print all links
    c.OnHTML(".mw-parser-output", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
        links := e.ChildAttrs("a", "href")

The OnHTML method takes in two parameters. The first parameter is the HTML element. Reaching it is going to execute the callback function, which is passed as the second parameter. Inside the callback function, the links variable is assigned to a method that returns all the child attributes matching the element’s attributes. The e.ChildAttrs("a", "href") function returns a slice of strings of all the links inside the mw-parser-output div. The fmt.Println(links) function prints the links in the terminal.

Finally, visit the URL using the c.Visit("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_scraping") command. The complete scraper code will look like this:

package main

import (


func main() {
    c := colly.NewCollector(

    // Find and print all links
    c.OnHTML(".mw-parser-output", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
        links := e.ChildAttrs("a", "href")

Running this code with the command go run main.go will get all the links on the page.

Scraping Table Data

W3Schools HTML Table

To scrape the table data, you can either remove the codes you have written inside c.OnHTML or create a new project by following the same steps mentioned above. To make and write a CSV file, you’ll be using the encoding/csv library available in Go. Here is the starter code:

package main

import (

func main() {
    fName := "data.csv"
    file, err := os.Create(fName)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Could not create file, err: %q", err)
    defer file.Close()

    writer := csv.NewWriter(file)
    defer writer.Flush()

Inside the main function, the first action is to define the file name. Here, it is defined as data.csv. Then using the os.Create(fName) method, the file is created with the name data.csv. If any error occurs during the creation of the file, it’ll also log the error and exit the program. The defer file.Close() command will close the file when the surrounding function returns.

The writer := csv.NewWriter(file) command initializes the CSV writer to write to the file, and the writer.Flush() will throw everything from the buffer to the writer.

Once the file creation process is done, the scraping process can be started. This is similar to the above example.

Next, add the below lines of code after the defer writer.Flush() line ends:

c := colly.NewCollector()
    c.OnHTML("table#customers", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
        e.ForEach("tr", func(_ int, el *colly.HTMLElement) {
        fmt.Println("Scrapping Complete")

In this code, Colly is being initialized. Colly uses the ForEach method to iterate through the content. Because the table has three columns or td elements, using the nth-child pseudo selector, three columns are selected. el.ChildText returns the text inside the element. Putting it inside the writer.Write method will write the elements into the CSV file. Finally, the print statement prints a message when the scraping is complete. Because this code is not targeting the table headers, it will not print the heading. The complete code for this scraper will be like this:

package main

import (


func main() {
    fName := "data.csv"
    file, err := os.Create(fName)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Could not create file, err: %q", err)
    defer file.Close()

    writer := csv.NewWriter(file)
    defer writer.Flush()

    c := colly.NewCollector()
    c.OnHTML("table#customers", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
        e.ForEach("tr", func(_ int, el *colly.HTMLElement) {
        fmt.Println("Scrapping Complete")

Once successful, the output will appear like this:

Output CSV File in Excel

💡 Love scraping in GO? Check out our guide on how to use headless ChromeDP in GO to scrape dynamic websites.


In this article, you learned what web scrapers are as well as some use cases and how they can be implemented with Go, with the help of the Colly library.

However, the methods described in this tutorial are not the only possible way of implementing a scraper. Consider experimenting with this yourself and finding new ways to do it. Colly can also work together with the goquery library to make a more powerful scraper.

Depending on your use case, you can modify Colly to satisfy your needs. Web scraping is very handy for keyword research, brand protection, promotion, website testing, and many other things. So knowing how to build your own web scraper can help you become a better developer.

If you love low-level languages you might also like our Web scraping with C++.

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Subha Chanda

Subha is a freelance web developer and a learner who is always passionate about learning and experimenting with new things. He loves to write about his new learnings and experiences.